Who do you think you are talking to?

Content! We are all bombarded with so much content. Brochures, fliers, direct mail, advertisements, tweets Facebook posts, newsletters websites and emails. But do you often feel they are just shouting about themselves and not talking directly to you?
Ask yourself – is there a chance that your potential visitors and customers feel the same?
It has been said that we are subjected to 29 hours of content in our waking hours! So does your content have what it takes to break through the promotional wallpaper ?
Going back a few years, most promotional material was printed, and with tight budgets it wasn’t feasible to tailor messages to individual target groups. Today we all have so many digital platforms at our disposal. We have e-newsletters, social media posts, blogs and more. It is now far more possible to tailor messages specifically.
When print was our only option of reaching potential visitors and customers, we adopted the habit of ‘one size fits all’. Its now time to change that habit to reach the people we are talking to and increase footfall and ticket sales.
If you are looking to attract UK inbound visitors there is plenty of research out there on what motivates these travellers, and what they enjoy the most. Simply changing your copy to lead on what these travellers are most interested in could make all the difference.
UK groups arriving by coach have the need for two layers of information. The organisers what to ensure a smooth day with all basic needs met, whilst those booking on the trip want to know what they will see, do, feel, touch and smell.
The Conference and Events market has a completely different set of needs starting with all the practical facilities, but are you maybe missing an opportunity to up-sell visits to the surrounding are and get delegates to extend their stay or maybe return for a leisure weekend.
If you would like an audit and update of your marketing communications especially tailored to your strategic target markets – let us help you.
Contact diana@destinationtoolkit.com for a chat.